Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Internet Exploder

Ok ok ok, we all understand that Microsoft's Internet Explorer is far and away the most widely used browser in the world. We also understand that it is far and away the worst tool for surfing the internet with, no matter which version you may use.

What I don't understand is how most enterprise (business) related websites care not to recognize this most obvious-if-oxygen-ain't obvious-enough-for-you near-fact and still require users to use the most damning web browser known to man.

The only reason that this blasphemy to browsing still occurs is because, during the mid-to-late '90s, Microsoft had nearly 90% penetration rate around the world. Thats a lot of friggin' computers, and I can't blame Microsoft for its ingenuity (even though Bill Gates practically stole his entire concept from a little company known in the '80s as DOS, i.e. MS-DOS).

What I can blame them for is rolling out a 1989 wood-grain Ford Taurus station wagon with no effin' wheels and still demand literally hundreds of hardware makers to pay licensing fees for something they would never-ever wrap their grubby-chub fingers around the wheel of.

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