I saw a girl cry during a test yesterday as if she were trying to get out of a speeding ticket. Is it because she spent the previous three nights up all night studying to pass? I sure as hell didn't. I believe sleep is just as important as studying. But I didn't cry either.
I just don't know anymore. Our whole system is flawed.
An 11-yr old kid just graduated from college. His mother is Taiwanese and his father is Israeli. Granted it was an LA Community College, but hey, he's 11. He goes on to cite astrophysics as his passion and Einstein and Bruce Lee as his idols. I've taken English classes at a major university with 20 yr-olds who couldn't read their way out of a wet paper bag.
Maybe it was the Baby Boom.
History Lesson (annotated)
Fresh off of kickin' Hitler's ass and, well, *ahem*, (well you know about Japan), the soldiers who survived WWII returned home and began Operation Impregnation, back when a high-school diploma was worth a damn, and Kid Kreation was the cool thing to do. If you were a male with a high school diploma or GED, you could get a very good job just about anywhere, work 30 years and live off of Uncle Sam the rest of your days. The majority of women didn't even have to work, and if they did, they made decent money as a secretary or a teacher or a cashier.
-But now we have robots who manufacture everything. Who built the robots? Ha, not us. But if we did, it's only because they're cheaper and don't unionize. At least for now they don't.
-Now we have phones that can connect to the internet to order your groceries for you, based upon the prior input of your necessities and favorite delicacies, PLUS it will keep track of a schedule. Thanks Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and China. (I don't care about Apple. I'm poor.)
-Then we had the feminist movement. (I'm not saying anything negative about women's rights; this is solely for the purpose of explaining how said movement attributed to us being so screwed right now.) 30-40 years ago, women stayed home! They had to! Google (v.) baby boomers if you still don't know what I mean about Operation Impregnation. Now that we have technology taking away our skilled jobs, and women (rightfully so) competing with men for all other jobs, no wonder our unemployment rates are through the roof! There's just too many people in the job market.
But I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Point being, we got content, then passed by just about every country in just about every important category except for GDP and American spirit, and we're soon to be buried. No amount of legislation can fix decades of apathy towards education. And so long as technology keeps evolving, we'll be content sitting in front of our High-Def t.v.'s, listening to our iPod's while the world scoots by on a proverbial rocket of intelligence developed and manufactured by someone in east Asia.
I know we're a smart bunch. But we watch entirely too much t.v. We pay athletes a crap-ton of money for playing a game and reward our most (outta be) prized profession, Educator, with a measly $30,000/yr starting salary. I made that much before I was 21. The guy who created Facebook, well, screw him, but you get the picture.
(Note: I know there are alot of holes in this piece due to time constraints and eagerness to set up the actual blog.)
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